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Creating an Account
1. If you have not yet created an account for our support portal, go to
2. Look in the top-right corner and click “Sign up”.
3. Enter your full name and email address as prompted. The email you enter in is how you will receive ticket updates and responses from Support. When you are done entering your name and email, click “Register”.
4. An activation link will be sent to your email. Check your email and click on the link to activate your account and select a password (sample email below).
5. Once you have clicked on the link that was sent to your email as shown above, you will be prompted to create a password. Choose a password and then click on the “Activate & Log in” button.
6. You should see a display in green informing you that your account has been activated.
When to Create a Support Ticket
1. You can create support tickets for issues, questions you may have, software bugs, enhancement requests, and any data changes or report changes you may need.
Creating a Support Ticket Through the Portal
1. Go to the Support portal
2. Sign in if you have not already.
3. Click on the “New support ticket” link as shown below:
4. Fill out the fields in the ticket as shown below.
- If you are unable to perform any work until your issue is resolved, please select YES to the “System Outage” drop down box.
- Be sure to include detailed steps to reproduce the issue if possible. Screenshots of any error messages are also extremely helpful. These things can get your issue resolved more quickly.
5. Click on the “Submit” button.
6. You will receive a confirmation email that your ticket has been created, and every time an agent responds to your ticket, you will receive an email notification.
7. Additionally, you can check on the status of your open tickets by clicking on the “Tickets” tab as seen below:
Searching the Helpdesk
When Alden Support notices common error messages or issues that our users have, documentation for dealing with those problems is added to the helpdesk. Before creating a ticket, it would be wise to search through the helpdesk in case the solution to your issue is already posted.
1. Go to the Support portal
2. Click on the “Solutions” tab.
3. Type in some keywords to describe your error or issue.
4. If you see a help item that matches your problem, click on it and discover how to resolve the issue.
Creating a Support Ticket via Email
Instead of creating a ticket through the support portal, you can also create one when you email Alden Support directly. We prefer you to create tickets using the support system, but some situations may require direct email ticket creation.
1. Send an email to [email protected]
- Be sure to include steps to reproduce the issue and as much information as possible. Screenshots of any error messages that come up are extremely helpful as well.
- Below is an example of a poor email that does not include enough information.
- Below is an example of a good email that allows Support to quickly resolve the issue.