New Customer Setup for Configurable Collect

Client Installation (TEST):

Client Installation (PROD): 

If you install the production client and need to point to the TEST database:  Open the client application, click FILE -> OPEN APPLICATION FOLDER.  Find the Alden.GenericCollect.exe.config file and open it. Change the AppMode setting from ‘PROD’ to ‘TEST’.  Save and close the client application and re-open.    Application read ‘Alden Collect – TEST’ in the upper left


  1. Use the UIConfigCreator.exe to configure the project attributes.
    1. Need any .gif image(s) for the Asset Type.
      1. Stored in main level of *AssetName* Project folder (not sub)
      2. .gif image is referenced in Collect database dbo.GeoType and SupportedGeoTypeList.xml in
    2. Need any .bmp image(s) for the MapIconDef.xml
      1. Stored in MapIcons subfolder of the *AssetName*Project
      2. Set default icon (i.e. blank box)
      3. Set conditional icons based on some attribute property (PoleStatus = Inventoried = checked box icon)
    3. Choose built-in editor types or identify the need for a custom editor (development work is needed for any custom editors)
      1. STSL, YN, T, N, Image, etc…
    4. Need to set order of attributes (Main and Nested levels)
      1. Main level 1 – Sublevel 1,2,3
      2. Main level 2 – Sublevel 1,4,5,2,3
    5. Need to configure Read-Only, IsRequired, and Validation on each attribute
      1. IsRequired not “enforced”
      2. Validation written with related VBScript/Powershell doc(s).
        1. Validation file(s) stored in ValidationScript subfolder.
        2. Validations can pertain to entire Asset (validation tested on close of asset in Collect Client)
          1. Validations can pertain to individual attribute(s) (validation run on exit of individual attribute)
      3. Lists built in *AssetName*StaticData.xml
  2. Create a project file on the TEST server 
    1.  v-jrmqaweb\c$\Data\Collect\Project/*NewProjectName*
  3. Copy the *AssetName*Config.xml file (created with the UIConfigCreator) to the new project folder.
  4. Copy the SupportedGeoTypeList.xml file from another project to the new project folder.  Open the file in Notepad and edit it for this project and the geotypes to be used on this project.
  5. Create and copy the boundary text file (BoundaryData.txt) to the new project folder (Michael Ward)
    1. To create the boundary text file, put each lat/lon pair in the polygon column of the boundary table on a line in the file.
    2. The BoundaryData.txt file relates to the “Show Boundary” in the Collect client, it must match line for line the BoundaryData found in the Collect database.
  6. Copy the entire Project folder from TEST to PROD 
    1. PROD-WEBSVC02\c$\Alden\CollectCfg\Project











  1. Run the CreateCollectProject.sql  (script needs to be modified for each customer)
    1. Test: Collect database on DEV-DB03\DEV001\Collect
    2. Prod: Collect database on prod-DB03\NOTIFY\Collect
    3. The script will create records in the following tables:
      1. OfflineInspectionProject
      2. GeoType
      3. ProjectGeoType
      4. ProjectUser
      5. Boundary
      6. ProjectBoundary
      7. GeoTypeFilter   
      8. GeoTypeFilterDetails  
        1. Used to configure the asset icons for CollectWeb 
        2. The only view that is currently being used is ‘2’.
  2. Write any reports that the customer may need
    1. Script the reports and create a Collect Web Report Script.sql that contains all of the reports 
    2. Run the Collect Web Report Script.sql 
  3. Configure the InstantView and the DetailView for an asset so as to not show the XML, but rather text boxes in CollectWeb. 
    1. Set/Modify InstantView and DetailViews
      1. The WebApp is installed on PROD-WEB3 (prod) and V-jrmqaweb in test
      2. Edit file InstantAndDetailViewProperties under

 \\v-jrmqaweb\WebApps\Alden\CollectWeb\Configuration (in test)

\\prod-web03\c$\Apps\CollectWeb\<currentversion>\Configuration (in prod)


New User Setup:

  1. Remote into v-jrmqaweb 
  2. There are 2 shortcuts available on the desktop
    1. CollectWeb PROD Admin
    2. CollectWeb TEST Admin
  3. Click the appropriate shortcut for wherever you need to create the users
  4. Select ‘Security’
  5. Select ‘Create User’
  6. Enter a User Name, password and email address
    1. User Name/E-mail address need to match user’s Notify Log-in information (IF APPLICABLE)

Click CREATE USER button